Get it by typing: aceatme 0001F669 5Ĭoc qasmoke Cheat to Visit Secret Developer Test Area with All Game Items – Example of an item to spawn near you is the minigun. Get unlimited Fusion Cores by typing: player.additem 00075FE4 999 or get the Fat Man mini-nuke launcher by typing: player.additem 000bd56f – Example of a rare item to add to your inventory is the Fusion Core. And as shown below, you can get that perk by typing: player.addperk 000D75E2 In which case (perk id code) ‘Perk Name’ get shown on-screen, for example you get shown the (000D75E2) ‘Cap Collector’ perk ID. – Example of an above-mentioned “Item Name” = a perk. player.showinventory - Cheat Description: Lists items and their codes from your current inventory.Adding 0 at the end will result in a long list. help “Item Name” 4 - Cheat Description: Prints to screen applicable item IDs.Player level can be raised from 1 to 100. tlevel # - Changes your level to #, and gives you extra perk points.tfc - Toggles free camera mode on/off.Fly up to higher vantage points & go through walls.
Gives you invincibility, infinite ammo, and infinite action points for infinite sprint, infinite VAT shots & ignoring the maximum carrier weight.